How to Use He Back Button Focuss on Canon Xti
blind puppet says:
custom function 4 (Shutter/AE lock button) then set it to: 1
should be on page 104 on your manual.
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cabbiinc says:
Are you talking about how to set which point to focus on? Press that * and either roll the wheel, press up and down, or press the ok button a few times to see what it does. All points lit up means auto.
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bankgrrl {Ketti} says:
blind: Thank you!!!!
cabbiinc: No, I'm talking about changing the autofocus from pushing the shutter button halfway, to the * button so I can focus and not have to keep holding the shutter button halfway.
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dynamic square [dihapus] bilang:
Oooh I didn't know you can do that!
I think I might do that.
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danfascia says:
By far the best way to set up the 400ds buttons, otherwise you have to AF before every shot which is annoying and wasteful on the battery.
Still, you need the default mode for some situations like action grabs
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Sarah Mansur says:
What is the benefit of this? I don't understand how it it better for the battery life...or any other reason other then it might feel better for some people. (ive tried it...and like it...I just dont understand what the real reason for it is)
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blind puppet says:
benefits for me is its alot easier for focusing moving objects with your thumb when in AI servo mode. also, you don't lock your exposure until you half press the the shutter. with the default mode, half pressing the shutter will lock your focus and exposure. if your subject moves from a light area to dark, you're exposure will be off once you take the picture. having it seperated will also allow you the ability to recompose before you hit the shutter button without losing focus. I see it more of a personal preference. if you like how having it in default and it works for you, there's no point of switching.
I don't agree that its better for battery life though. having it in default or Cn.F4-1 shouldn't make much of a difference battery wise.
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jlbruno says:
interesting to know this is an option...wasn't aware.
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scubapup says:
takes a while to get used to but when you do youll like it
i switch between bbf and normal half press modes depending on the situation but i am bbf 90% of the time now
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cabbiinc says:
I tried it that way a few times. I didnt get the results that I liked so I always switched it back.
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quick prose [dihapus] bilang:
Thanks for posting this. I think this will be very useful. I tried it this morning and I like it a lot.
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How to Use He Back Button Focuss on Canon Xti
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